Ultra-High-Sensitivity Triple Quadrupole GC-MS for Pioneering New Fields:
Equipped with a new, highly efficient detector and three forms of noise-reduction technologies,
the GCMS-TQ8050 NX is capable of performing unprecedented quantitative analyses of
ultra-trace amounts, down to the femtogram level.
Moreover, with its ultra-high sensitivity and high mass resolution, a whole new realm of
quantitative analysis is offered, with reduced long-term operational costs and greater uptime.
Enhanced Sensitivity:
To maximize the benefits of Off-Axis Ion Optics, the system features three noise-reduction technologies and a detector with
improved amplification performance. Due to these state-of-the-art technologies, the system can reliably detect ultra-trace
femtogram-level quantities of ions. The resulting exceptional analytical sensitivity and robustness increase the value of solutions and
open the door to new applications.
High-Efficiency Detector:
The GCMS-TQ8050 NX detects peaks more reliably than the GCMS-TQ8040 NX, even for substances with fewer ions reaching the
detector. That means it can reliably analyze femtogram-level concentrations with fewer ions.
Overdrive Lens:
Installing two lenses (overdrive lenses) in front of the electron multiplier reduces random noise from helium or argon and improves
S/N. Applying voltage to the lenses improves S/N levels by reducing noise near the lenses and helping to focus the ions that pass
through the mass filter (Patent No. US6737644).
The newly designed high-sensitivity detector offers excellent
reliability even for samples with femtogram-level concentrations
of trace components, achieving sub-femtogram IDL* levels.